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Can Tho Foreign Affairs News

Can Tho to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Laos

Hình đại diện

On the evening of September 4, the Union of Friendship Organizations and the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association of Can Tho city solemnly held a meeting to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Laos (September 5, 1962 - September 5, 2022) and 45 years of the signing of the friendship and cooperation treaty between Vietnam and Laos (July 18, 1977 - July 18, 2022).

This is an activity that deeply demonstrates the traditional relationship and good cooperation between the two countries. It also widely educates the young generation of the meaning and importance of preserving, consolidating and promoting the Vietnam - Laos relationship.

Attending the meeting were Ms. Phimpha Keomixay, Consul General of Lao PDR in Ho Chi Minh City. On the Vietnamese side, there were Mr. Tao Viet Thang, Deputy Director General of the Local Department III - Committee for Ethnic Minorities; Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien - Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee; Mr. Dao Chi Nghia, Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation in Can Tho City, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - Laos Friendship Association, and representatives of related departments and agencies of the city. Besides, there were also the presence of nearly 200 veterans, volunteer veterans, members of the Veterans Association, Military Command and nearly 1,000 students from universities and colleges across the city.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee, emphasized Vietnam and Laos are two close neighbors, the people of the two countries have a traditional and close friendship. In particular, after 45 years since the two countries signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, the traditional friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries have continued to develop strongly, increasingly in-depth in all fields, with many rich and diverse forms of cooperation.

From 2020-2021, despite being heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnam-Laos relationship continued to maintain a positive development in various fields, from politics, security to economy - trade - investment, culture - education, and multilateral cooperation. In particular, Vietnam and Laos have coordinated to support each other to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic, making practical contributions to prevent the disease from spreading and promote the economic recovery in each country.

Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien said that the city's government and people have always identified the traditional friendship and solidarity with Laos as an important factor in international relations. In recent years, Can Tho city and localities of Laos have strengthened cooperation in many fields such as agriculture, fisheries, education, trade and tourism. In addition, the city and localities of Laos regularly organize many cultural and people-to-people exchange activities to strengthen the solidarity and friendship between the two peoples. In the coming time, Can Tho city and Laos' localities and partners would continue to strengthen and expand cooperation in many fields such as delegation exchange, education, people-to-people diplomacy, trade promotion, and investment.

Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee believed that the Consul General would be the focal point to support the connection of cooperation programs between Can Tho City and localities and partners in Laos, especially the two localities of Sanvannakhet and Champasak that Can Tho City had signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation.

Ms. Phimpha Keomixay, Consul General of the Lao PDR in Ho Chi Minh City, also reviewed the tradition of solidarity and mutual assistance of the two peoples in the liberation struggle. The Consul General also highly appreciated the good cooperation, special solidarity and friendship between Laos and Vietnam during the past many years. She hoped that the two nations would continue to strengthen solidarity and exchange experiences in cooperation in areas of mutual. Ms. Keomixay also affirmed that she would do a good job as a bridge to promote cooperation promotion programs between Can Tho city and localities of Laos.

Thanh Truc

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