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PM meets with UN Secretary General

PM Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed that Viet Nam will continue a responsible member of the UN's organs and positively contribute to the building of the organisation's strategies and action programs.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on November 12, in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on the sidelines of the 25th ASEAN Summit

PM Nguyen Tan Dung met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on November 12, in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on the sidelines of the 25th ASEAN Summit

The Government chief appreciated the role and important contributions of the UN in general and the Secretary General in particular in dealing with global issues, promoting peace, security and development in the world.

He pledged that Viet Nam will continue to actively participate in discussions on the elaboration of post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals launched by the UN and integrate these goals into national programs and economic - social goals.

Simultaneously, Viet Nam will also actively join negotiations within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to achieve a new legally binding and universal agreement in 2015.

Viet Nam hopes to continue to receive policy advice and assistance from the UN, especially in sustainable poverty reduction, HIV/AIDS and climate change prevention, he said.

PM Dung also asked UN to back Viet Nam's bid to run for a seat at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in the 2016-2018 period and become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highly valued Viet Nam's implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, which turns the country into one of those with the fastest economic growth in the region.

He thanked Viet Nam for supporting the "One United Nations" initiative and appreciated  its participation in the UN peacekeeping force.

The Secretary-General congratulated Viet Nam on becoming a member of the UN Human Rights Council.

Viet Nam has positively contributed to building the UN's post-2015 sustainable development goals, he said, expressing his desire to soon visit Viet Nam to further promote the cooperation between the UN and Viet Nam.

Mentioning to the East Sea issue, the Secretary-General confirmed that disputes in the East Sea must be resolved through dialogues without resorting to threat or use of force, and hoped that the regional conferences will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to solve the problem.

The UN is ready to assist and support in this matter, according to the Secretary-General./.


Nguyen Truong Trung

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