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Russia regards Viet Nam as its leading strategic partner in the region

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Tuesday held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow as part of the former's ongoing visit to the Russian Federation.

Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (left) holds talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin (right), Kremlin Palace, Moscow, Russia, November 30, 2021    

President Nguyen expressed his pleasure to visit Russia again and meet with President Putin – a great and close friend of the Vietnamese people.

Nguyen affirmed Viet Nam always attaches importance to the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, and expects to further foster the bilateral ties across all areas for the benefits of the two nations.

Nguyen conveyed greetings and best wishes of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Vietnamese Party and State leaders to President Putin.

President Putin warmly welcomed and highly valued President Nguyen's visit to Russia, saying it would create strong impetus for the Viet Nam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

Putin spoke highly of Viet Nam's socio-economic development achievements as well as the country's prestige on the international arena, affirming that Russia always regards Viet Nam as its leading strategic partner in the region.

In a trusted, sincere and open atmosphere, the two Presidents discussed and agreed on major orientations and measures to open up a new cooperation era of the two countries' comprehensive  strategic partnership with a vision to 2030.

The leaders also compared notes on a wide range of regional and international issues of shared interest as well as the sides' coordination to contribute to peace, stability and prosperity around the world.

They shared the view that the Viet Nam-Russia political-diplomatic ties features with high level of strategic trust thanks to regular contacts and meetings at both bilateral and multilateral frameworks despite adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The leaders agreed to step up the exchange of delegations across the Party, State, National Assembly channels, and locality-to-locality and people-to-people exchanges once the COVID-19 pandemic is put under control.

The pair highly valued important achievements in defense and security cooperation, which contributed to deepening political trust between the two countries, affirming their resolve to turn economic cooperation into a key pillar of the Viet Nam-Russia relations.

They agreed to continue effective implementation of the free trade agreement signed between Viet Nam and the Eurasia Economic Union while further facilitating trade and investment linkages to make breakthroughs in this important domain.

The two Presidents affirmed that energy cooperation remains one of the key pillars of the Viet Nam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership, and agreed to continue maintaining and expanding operations of Vietnamese oil and gas companies in Russia and Russian oil and gas companies in Viet Nam's continental shelf in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

They welcomed and promised to facilitate bilateral cooperation in the supply of liquefied natural gas, thermal and gas-fueled power, and renewable energy while accelerating the construction of a nuclear science and technology research center in Viet Nam, considering it one of the two countries' major projects in the near future.

The leaders spoke highly of trusted, substantial, effective and comprehensive cooperation in traditional and potential areas such as education and training, science and technology, culture, tourisms, information technology. They voiced support for stronger relations between localities, friendship organization and people of the two countries, thus contributing to enriching the Viet Nam-Russia relationship.

The two Presidents agreed to resume direct air service between the two countries as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic is under control.

They also spoke highly of the bilateral cooperation in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, including the sharing of face masks, medical supplies, and vaccines.

On multilateral aspect, President Nguyen highly valued Russia's role as a world power and rising prestige in the region, affirming that Viet Nam is willing to serve as a bridge linking Russia with ASEAN and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

The two leaders discussed collaboration in maintaining peace and stability, ensuring security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in Asia-Pacific, including the East Sea, in line with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

On the occasion, the two leaders issued a Joint vision statement on the Viet Nam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership through 2030./.

By Huong Giang (

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