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President hosts Indian lower house speaker

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted a reception for visiting Speaker of the Indian Lok Sabha (the lower house) Om Birla in Hanoi on April 19.

Hình đại diện

Welcoming the Indian leader's visit, President Phuc underlined that Vietnam is proud to have India as a good and loyal friend.

He recalled his good memories on the land and nation of India during his visit in 2018, and noted that many measures have been rolled out to promote bilateral all-round partnership.

Highlighting that India is now a world power, the world's sixth largest economy with leading science-technology, while Vietnam is a country with dynamic development, deep integration and wide opening, President Phuc held that these are favourable factors to promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides in the future.

Birla expressed his strong impression at the significant contributions by President Phuc to the development of the Vietnam-India partnership.

He noted that 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations and the 75th Indipendence Day of India, which is a good chance for India to reevaluate its national interests and commitments to Indian people on developing the country in a more comprehensive manner.

On the foundation of the sound relationship between the two countries, the Indian lower house speaker expressed his hope that the two countries will expand cooperation in areas of trade, investment, education, training, security and defence. He said he believes that the two countries will always support each other in dealing with global challenges and grow together. On the occasion, Birla thanked Vietnam for assisting India in the fight against COVID-19.

He suggested that Vietnam and India organise more cultural and people-to-people exchange activities, while resuming the aviation connection initiative. India will continue to help Vietnam in restoring the My Son World Cultural Heritage Site.

President Phuc held that both sides should increase delegation exchanges and meetings at all levels, while working closely together to organise activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations, including art performances in their capital cities.

Along with defence-security, the Vietnamese State leader said that both sides should promote ties in cyber security, intelligence, fights against terrorism and transnational crime, non-traditional security issues, and mutual assistance in civil matters.

Holding that the number of 300 projects worth nearly 1 billion USD from India is still modest, President Phuc proposed that India continue to create favourable conditions for Indian firms to invest in Vietnam.

He said that many Vietnamese people are interested in practising Yoga and joining tours exploring Buddhism in India, so that the two sides should strengthen cooperation in tourism as they have reached mutual recognition of each other's vaccine passport. Vietnam and India should resume direct air routes linking their major cities to promote tourism and trade.

On the occasion, President Phuc thanked India for supporting the restoration of the My Son World Cultural Heritage Site in Quang Nam.

He expressed his delight at the close coordination and strong mutual support at international and regional forums as well as UN agencies and the Non-Aligned Movement, especially in areas of shared concern such as maritime security, and the respect of international law and the promotion of the observance of the UN Charter.

President Phuc also spoke highly of the Vietnam-India collaboration at the UN Security Council, especially in 2021 when both performed the role as non-permanent member of the council.


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