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NA Chairwoman receives Norway, Czech ambassadors

VGP - National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan hosted receptions in Ha Noi on March 22 for Norwegian Ambassador Siren Gjerme Eriksem and Czech Republic Ambassador Vitez Slav Grepl, who served terms in Viet Nam.

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) receives Norwegian Ambassador Siren Gjerme Eriksem, Ha Noi, March 22

At the reception, the Norwegian Ambassador expressed her pleasure with the growing ties between the two countries, especially since the Viet Nam visit by Norwegian PM Erna Solberg in 2015.

About the free trade agreement between Viet Nam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), she said she hopes the FTA will open up new opportunities for the business communities of both Viet Nam and the EFTA. 

The diplomat informed the host that a delegation of Norwegian firms will travel to Viet Nam to seek cooperation opportunities in sea-based economic fields this May.

Host and the guest shared the assessment that the two countries' legislatures have enhanced their cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral frameworks. They agreed that the two parliaments should increase the exchange of visits by high-ranking officials and members of specialised committees to share experience and information.

For her part, the top legislator suggested increasing experience sharing and technology transfer in fields of Norway's strength and Viet Nam's demand.

Viet Nam hopes Norway will open its market for Viet Nam's traditional exports such as agro-forestry-fisheries, apparel and footwear, she said, adding that two-way trade reached US$308.2 million in 2016.

Currently, Norway ranks 44th out of 116 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam with 34 valid projects worth more than US$92 million.

She thanked Norway for providing Viet Nam with important official development assistance, especially in environment, education, gender equality, health care, bomb and mine clearance, contributing to helping the country fulfill the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ahead of schedule.

The top legislator requested that Norway continue ODA provision for Viet Nam, particularly in aquaculture, rural economic development and environment protection.

The same day,  Ngan receives Czech Republic Ambassador Vitez Slav Grepl. The Chairwoman praised progress in cooperation in all fields and exchange of high level visits.

Chairwoman Ngan and Ambassador Grepl displayed their belief that along with regular visits and meetings, the upcoming visits by the countries' leaders in 2017 will help bring bilateral relations to a higher level.


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