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Meet Europe 2021: EU-Vietnam Partnership Post-COVID-19

The European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) has launched its 2021 edition of its annual Whitebook of Trade and Investment Issues and Recommendations.

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The publication was released at "Meet Europe 2021: EU-Vietnam Partnership Post-COVID-19", a major business-to-government event co-organized with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  More than 150 ministerial leaders and business representatives discussed public and private sector cooperation to boost EU-Vietnam trade and investment in new normality once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control.  Addressing the event, EuroCham Chairman Alain Cany expected rapid recovery in EU-Vietnam trade relations towards a brighter and more prosperous future. Deputy Foreign Minister To Anh Dung hailed the supportive dovetails between the Vietnamese and EU economies as both sides have advantages to promote cooperation in economic, trade, investment, science and technology.

'The Vietnamese government always facilitates strong cooperation with Europe through proper and practical trade policies to fuel mutual development. Despite difficulties caused by the pandemic, Vietnamese provinces have continued to improve their business and trade environment, administrative reform for economic restructuring and in-depth growth model for best investment opportunities,' said Dung. 

The Whitebook's 13th edition brings together the perspectives of European business in one flagship publication to further enhance the business environment of Vietnam through evidence-based, sector-specific proposals for legal, trade, and investment reform.



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