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ASEAN Family Day 2021 held in Hanoi

ASEAN Family Day is a testament to the solidarity and close attachment among ASEAN countries, marking the bloc's determination to overcome difficulties and challenges.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and ASEAN Women Community in Hanoi (AWCH) on August 8 jointly held ASEAN Family Day to celebrate the 54th founding anniversary of ASEAN (August 8, 1967-2021).

This year's ASEAN Family Day is very special because it is the first time being held in an online format in the context of the serious developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has ravaged many ASEAN member countries. The event was attended by leaders, officials of MoFA, ambassadors, representatives of ASEAN countries in Hanoi, and members of the ASEAN Family.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung highly appreciated and welcomed the initiative of the AWCH to organize online activities of the ASEAN Family Day.

Dung, who is also head of the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) ASEAN Vietnam, said that the organization of this year's ASEAN Family Day is a testament to the solidarity and close attachment among ASEAN countries, marking the bloc's determination to overcome difficulties and challenges.

Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Vietnam Pengiran Haji Sahari bin Pengiran Haji, on behalf of his country – the Chair of ASEAN for 2021, welcomed the Vietnamese MoFA's commitment and efforts to organize the annual ASEAN Family Day, especially in the year of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

He said he believed that the program's activities will help strengthen mutual understanding, solidarity, cooperation, and friendship among members of the ASEAN family in Hanoi, as well as contributing to enhancing people's awareness and sense of belonging to the community.

The event's title "ASEAN stands united against Covid-19" is in line with the ASEAN Chairmanship Year 2021's theme "We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper", he said.

The ambassador highly appreciated Vietnam's leading role as the ASEAN Chair 2020 in working with other countries to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said that Brunei is willing to work with other countries to revive the economy, realize the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, and build a more resilient community for the benefit and prosperity of the region and its people.

He also expressed his hope that ASEAN countries will continue to strengthen cooperation with each other and with partners to implement the Covid-19 response initiatives initiated by Brunei Darussalam, the ASEAN Chair 2021, as well as implement initiatives on Covid-19 response proposed by Vietnam during its ASEAN Chairmanship Year 2020.

Honorary chairwoman of the ASEAN Women Community in Hanoi Vu Thi Bich Ngoc, who is also the wife of Vietnam's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, said the outbreak could not prevent sharing and caring of each other.

"Members in the ASEAN Women's Group in Hanoi can help their families and members of the ASEAN Community overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic, adapting to life in the new normalcy," Ngoc said.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is the season of reunion, this is even more important for each family. The AWCH's members would contribute to raising awareness among their family and friends, encouraging them to comply with health regulations for the prevention and control of Covid-19, which is also an important theme of this year's ASEAN Family Day," she added.




After the opening ceremony, the delegates enjoyed many special musical performances, including the introduction of the Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival, a program making flowers from fruits of Vietnamese artisans, and the dance performances of Ghen Co Vy (coronavirus song) and 5K message with the participation of representatives of the embassies of ASEAN countries and officials of the MoFA. 

Ngan Ha (Hanoi Times)

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