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The Army Command delegation of the Royal Cambodian Army extends New Year greetings in Can Tho City

Hình đại diện

Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien (seventh from right)  took a  photo with General Thong Thao Rin (fifth from left ) after the meeting

          On the afternoon of January 22nd , the Army Command delegation of the Royal Cambodian Army, led by General Thong Thao Rin, Deputy Commander of the Army, visited Can Tho City to extend their New Year greetings to the leaders of the City People's Committee.

          During the visit, General Thong Thao Rin extended his warmest wishes to the leaders of the City People's Committee, leaders of various departments, agencies, armed forces, and the people of the city.

          General Thong Thao Rin expressed his gratitude to the agencies, departments, and armed forces of Can Tho City for their continued support and assistance to the Cambodian people and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. He stated that it was important to remember Vietnam's help for the Cambodian people to achieve the victory on January 7th , 1979, and that Cambodia's achievements today owed much to Vietnam's contributions in the past. The General hoped that the cooperative relationship between the two countries' armies and between Cambodia and Can Tho City would continue to flourish and develop in the future.

          Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee, expressed his appreciation and shared that 2024 would be a special year as it marks the 20th anniversary of Can Tho City as a central city. Over the past 20 years, Can Tho had been working hard to achieve comprehensive economic, cultural, and social development goals, which contributed to the overall growth of the Mekong Delta region and the country. The city's achievements were the result of the collective efforts of the entire political system, the people of Can Tho, and the support and cooperation of countries like Cambodia. In recent years, Can Tho City and Cambodian partners actively engaged in exchange programs, cooperation, visits, and mutual support activities. Mr. Hien expressed his hope that the two nations would continue to promote friendly relations and strengthen cooperation in various fields in the future.

          In the past few years, Can Tho and other provinces and cities organized many cultural and artistic exchange groups with Cambodian localities and free medical examination and treatment for disadvantaged  Cambodians. At the same time, the city leader invited businesses from the two countries to participate in investment promotion, contributing to the socio-economic development of the two countries. On the occasion of the annual Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer people, the city also organized the Army-Civilian Festival, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere among the Khmer community to attach and tighten relations of two peoples.

          The Vice Chairman hoped that in the coming time, the City People's Committee, local businesses, and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces would organize many exchange and activities programs to support each other in various fields. He especially emphasized cooperation in education and training to support Vietnamese-Cambodian students living in Cambodia and Cambodian students studying in Can Tho City to have favorable conditions, tightening the friendship between the two countries and two peoples in the coming time.

Hoàng Yến

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