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Can Tho Foreign Affairs News

Representative of UCR’s visits to Can Tho City

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep (right) with the Associate Director for International Programs in URC

From March 19 to March 21 of 2023, Mr. David Dayton, Associate Director for International Programs in URC (University of California, Riverside), paid visits to Can Tho City to work with the Department of External Relations, the Department of Education and Training, the Department of International Relations of Can Tho University; Gia Viet English Language Center and Pacific College (PIC).

These visits were to tighten the connection between UCR and Can Tho as well as to discuss the potential learning programs with the agencies mentioned above.

At the Department of External Relations, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, Director of the Department, expressed her delight to welcome the representative of UCR. She also highlighted the strong relationship between Riverside and Can Tho.

After a thorough introduction to UCR and UCR Extension, Mr. Dayton gave more details about the learning programs, especially the international training programs and its key components.

Mr. Dayton also emphasized that Riverside has always supported its cooperative relationships with Can Tho City and is undoubtedly pleased to welcome the City's delegation to visit according to the City's plan in July, 2023.

At the Department of International Relations of CTU, Head of the Department, Mr. Le Van Lam, discussed in details with Mr. Dayton about the two universities in terms of their core values of the international training programs, the educational offering for both undergraduate and graduate students, the postgraduate certificates and diplomas, the areas of specialization and fields of study.

In addition, both sides agreed to enhance information sharing in order to coordinate and organize exchange activities in the future effectively, including the exchange of students and faculties as well as the exchange of information in the field of education and culture. Head of the Department suggested helping connect the UCR with the students of Thuc Hanh Su Pham High school to prepare for university study abroad if needed. The two sides would be in touch to work on detailing the ideas before carrying them out.

Working session at the Pacific College

          Last but not least, at the Pacific College, the representative of UCR and delegates of DER was greeted by Mr. Le Viet Minh Triet, Vice President. The focus of the discussion was on the preparation for high school students in intensive English courses, possibly through online classes, to prepare for studying abroad. Vice President also suggested that PIC send teachers to UCR for intensive English training and in return, UCR could send their recent graduates to PIC for internships.

Kim Yến

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