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Can Tho Foreign Affairs News

Meeting with the American Citizen Services

Hình đại dMr. Mai Van Phung (right) and Mr. Thomas Bollati shaing hands  after the meetingiện

On the morning of 13 September 2022, the Department of External Relations, together with related departments and agencies, had a meeting with Mr. Thomas C. Bollati, American Citizen Services Chief of the U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.

According to Mr. Mai Van Phung, Vice Director of the Department of External Relations, there are about 1,800 people from Can Tho City immigrating to the United States of America, and this number is more than ones of other countries in the world. Besides, in 2022, the Department of External Relations of Can Tho City has collaborated with Ho Chi Minh City Department of External Relations and related agencies to arrange and provide favorable conditions for the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City to have consular visits as well as supported American citizens in extending their temporary residence in the City in accordance with current regulations.

On his side, Mr. Bollati informed the City representatives the main duties of the American Citizen Services, basically in citizen protection for the Americans with a focus on vulnerable communities. He acknowledged and appreciated the close and prompt collaboration from the City Department of External Relations in dealing with issues related to American citizens in Can Tho City. In addition, the American Citizen Services Chief also would like to know about the number of U.S. citizens in the City, procedures for American citizens to extend or renew their visas in case their temporary residence locally expired as well as the city support upon a crisis, e.g. natural hazards.

The two sides agree on the continued close cooperation to solve issues related to American citizens incurred in the City, such as accidents, injuries, arrest, death, etc. After the meeting, Mr. Thomas Bollati had a visit to Can Tho City General Hospital.

Thanh Truc

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