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Meeting with Consul General of Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City.

Hình đại diện

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee and Ms. Wiraka Moodhitaporn Consul General of Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City at the meeting


On the afternoon of January 19, 2024, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee welcomed the delegation led by Ms. Wiraka Moodhitaporn, Consul General of Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City. The two sides discussed the cooperation plans for the future, especially in the fields of agriculture, education, textiles and agricultural processing.

Because this is the first visit to Can Tho City by Ms. Wiraka Moodhitaporn, the Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee had briefly introduced the characteristics of Can Tho City, provided information and extended an invitation to Thai investors, encouraging them to explore and invest in various sectors in Can Tho City, including the Project to build an Agro-business Hub in the Mekong Delta.

According to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Thailand was one of Vietnam's closest neighbours and most significant partners, and the two countries shared extensive cooperative relationships. The majority of Vietnamese tourists preferred Thailand as their top destination when travelling in the ASEAN region.

In addition, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He hoped that the Consulate General would extend support for educational collaboration initiatives. This included increasing the availability of scholarships to qualified officials, teachers, and students from the city, enabling them to pursue study opportunities in Thailand.

The Consul General of Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City thanked the city leader for the attention and support in creating favourable conditions for Thai businesses and investors, such as Central Retail Group with GO! Supermarket, Pataya Food Industries (Vietnam), C.P. Vietnam Corporation, etc. The organization of the annual Thailand Week in Can Tho City also helped enterprises from both sides to advertise their products, seek trade links, expand the market, and analyse consumption needs and purchasing power from each other.

Ms. Wiraka Moodhitaporn informed that Thailand's Central Retail Group was planning to expand its business by opening an additional GO! Supermarket in the centre of Can Tho City and 05 mini supermarkets in the 05 districts of Can Tho City and hope that the city leader would continue to support so that Central Retail Group could soon deploy investment expansion according to their Plan./.

Kim Yến

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