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More than 4,000 delegates to attend Agritechnica Asia Live 2022


Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan has hailed the importance of mechanization in agricultural development. 


Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan speaks at the event


Addressing the Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 to promote agriculture towards sustainable development in Can Tho on Thursday, the Minister said the forum will boost international cooperation and access to modern technology suitable to local production scale:


Mr. Hoan said: "Mechanism, scientific, technological and digital application in Asian agriculture will help households in less developed countries select suitable solutions for inclusive and sustainable agricultural development. We need solutions to accelerate mechanism in agriculture to facilitate technology development in farming"

More than 4,000 delegates to attend Agritechnica Asia Live 2022


The Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 event is organized to promote the application of mechanization and digital agriculture to transform sustainable agricultural production, and at the same time contribute to the transformation of agricultural production thinking into an agricultural economy in Vietnam. Production models and machine demonstrations were shown at the Mekong Delta Rice Institute were introduced at the event.

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