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80 firms register for Agritechnica Asia Live

Hình đại diện

A total of 80 domestic and foreign firms have registered to take part in the upcoming 2022 Agritechnica Asia Live (Photo: VNA)


A total of 80 domestic and foreign firms have registered to take part in the upcoming 2022 Agritechnica Asia Live, scheduled to take place in the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho on August 24-26.

It is annually held in Asian nations, aiming to foster sustainable mechanisation by demonstrating the use of up-to-date technologies in the local cropping systems.

This is also the first time an Agritechnica Asia Live takes place in Vietnam, with the number of participants estimated to reach about 4,000.  


An overview of the meeting on preparation for the event. (Photo: VNA)

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee, said the event offers an opportunity for local residents to witness machinery field demonstrations for agricultural production with high efficiency.

Other activities include seminars on mechanisation in the fruit and fishery sectors, as well as a machinery exhibition./.                                                                                                                       



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