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Vice Secretary of Can Tho city Party Committee had a meeting with Ambassador of Finland to Vietnam.

In the afternoon of 23rd October 2014, at the building of Can Tho City Party Committee, Mr. Pham Gia Tuc, Vice Secretary of City Party Committee paid a coutersy call with H.E. Mr. Kimmo Lahdevirta, Ambassador of Finland to Vietnam on the occasion to Can Tho city to attend the inauguration ceremony the project tiltled "Exporting the agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam to Finland and other Nordic countries".

H.E. Mr. Ambassador at the 3rd from the left and Mr. Tuc at the 6th from the right

At the meeting, Mr. Tuc briefly introduced the typical features and potentials of Can Tho city. Accordingly, Mr. Tuc expressed his expectation on cooperation with Finnish counterparts in the areas which are the strength of Finland including renewable energy, information technology, ship building, new technology, solid and water waste treatment, ect. He also expressed that Can Tho city always looks forward from getting more support from Finnish Government in terms of ODA support and welcoming more and more Finnish entrepreneurs to understand and collaborate in different areas.

To continue the talk of Mr. Tuc, H.E. Mr. Kimmo Lahdevirta stated that Vietnam and Finland have cooperated in some significant projects like "Vietnam Finland Innovation Partnership Program" and Can Tho city is one in four localities selected to implement the Project at Stage 2 for period from 2014 to 2018. The main targets of this stage is focused on improvement of important legal documents to turn the 2013 Law of Science-Technology and the Strategies of Science-Technology Development of Vietnam, up to 2020 to practical implementation. Together with that, the training activities of innovations will be stronger implemented through improvement of teaching programs for innovations and organization of specific training courses for science and technology management staffs in local agencies, enterprises and research institutes. At the same time, there will be activities to develop some regional products, to form consulting experts of innovations and technological renovations to support actual innovative actions by enterprises, to set up concrete cooperation contents between innovators of the two countries and to start pilot projects of awards for innovations. Therefore, with this project, it will be a great chance for entrepreneurs to approach the new market in the world.

Furthermore, H.E. Mr. Ambassador was pleased to inform that he has just get involved in the inauguration ceremony the project entitled "Exporting the agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam to Finland and Nordic countries" taken place in Can Tho city. This project under the joint-cooperation between Embassy of Finland and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) – Mekong Delta branch help enterprises of Can Tho city in particular and Mekong Delta in general to improve their agricultural and aquatic product preservation and make their products able to meet the international standards to export to the market of Finland and Nordic countries as well.

To respond to the suggestion of Mr. Tuc, H.E. Mr. Ambassador promised that he will deliver all information provided by Can Tho city to his concerned and potential entrepreneurs to push up not only the business cooperation but also the bilateral ties.

by Hoang Oanh

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