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VN, Bulgaria to promote cooperation in economics, trade ties

Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue and Bulgarian Minister of Economiy Emil Karanikolov expected to boost Viet Nam-Bulgaria bilateral relations in all fields, especially economics and trade ties at their meeting on September 18 in Ha Noi.

Deputy PM Vuong Dinh Hue receives Bulgarian Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov, Ha Noi, September 18, 2018 - Photo: VGP/Thanh Chung

The Vietnamese leader highly appraised the two nations' traditional relationship through high-ranking visits and close coordination at international and regional forums such as the United Nations, ASEAN-EU and ASEM. 

He referred to the two-way trade value of US$100 million per years, asking the two sides' businesses to actively boost trade exchanges and investment in Viet Nam in such areas as high-tech agriculture and facilitate Vietnamese farm products to enter Bulgaria. 

Mr. Hue suggested Bulgaria advocate the official implementation of the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement and soon organize the 24th meeting of the Viet Nam-Bulgaria Inter-Governmental Committee on economic, scientific and technical cooperation.     

Bulgaria will actively encourage the EU to ink the EVFTA with Viet Nam and the nation will become one of the first countries in the EU to ratify the agreement, said Mr. Emil Karanikolov.

He announced that he held working sessions with the leaders of the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ha Noi's People's Committee and the Viet Nam Oil and Gas Group to gain more achievements in cooperation and investment in the time ahead. 


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