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NA Chairwoman stresses contributions of ASOSAI to regional development

Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan on September 19 attended the 14th Assembly of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) in Ha Noi.

The opening ceremony of the 14th Assembly of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) takes place in Ha Noi on September 19, 2018 - Photo: VNA

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, Ms. Ngan highlighted that Viet Nam has hosted numerous important international events, including the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU–132) in 2015, APEC Viet Nam 2017 and the World Economic Forum on ASEAN last week.

These events have improved status and role of Viet Nam in the international community and consolidated multi-lateral cooperative mechanisms in the region and the world, she added. 

This is the first time Viet Nam has hosted a large-scale event in audit with the participation of foreign delegates from 46 nations in the Asia, she said, adding that the event is organized on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Charter for ASOSAI.

The Vietnamese top legislator extended her congratulations and highly appraised efforts, achievements and contributions of the ASOSAI over the recent 40 years. 

ASOSAI have continued making contributions to consolidating and developing the capacity of its members and the development process of each nation as well as the region's advance.

She also expressed her delight at the proactive participation of the State Audit of Viet Nam (SAV) in ASOSAI activities.

The ASOSAI Assembly, which is held every three years, is the venue for all heads of ASOSAI member supreme audit agencies to discuss and decide on major issues, necessary documents, regimes, and policies to achieve the association's objectives and further its development. It also serves as a forum for sharing experience in the field of state audits.


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