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Lao localities wish to boost cooperation with HCM City

Lao Vice State President Bounnhang Volachit has expressed his wish that Ho Chi Minh City will boost comprehensive cooperation with Lao localities, contributing to deepening the special relations between the two countries.

He urged the city and the Lao capital of Vientiane to swiftly implement their agreements on finance, agriculture, tourism and trade during his reception in Vientiane on December 26 for HCM City's delegation led by Vice Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Vo Van Thuong.

The HCM City official, on his part, updated the host on his talks with the Vientiane Governor, saying that the two cities have set forth a detail plan for their future cooperation.

HCM City will enhance its investment in Vientiane and other Lao localities, as a contribution to the effective and practical cooperation between the two nations, Thuong affirmed.

The HCM City delegation had a working visit to Laos from December 24-26.-VNA


Thuy An

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