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Promoting trade, investment, tourism, and strengthening friendship

Hình đại diện

Can Tho Department of Foreign Affairs cooperated with Can Tho Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, Can Tho Union of Friendship Organizations to meet and discuss plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations at the Consulate General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ho Chi Minh City.

The year 2023 marks a special milestone, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the following countries: Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Singapore, Canada, the UK and Japan, among other countries. To celebrate these diplomatic events, Can Tho City People's Committee has developed an organization plan, along with specific preparation steps and implementation from the beginning of the year.

On December 30, 2022, Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Tran Viet Truong signed and promulgated Plan No. 248/KH-UBND of the People's Committee of Can Tho City on organizing activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and some countries in 2023. The plan aims to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Singapore, Canada, the UK and Japan, as well as strengthen the relationship cooperation and friendship with foreign partners in the city.

The purpose of the Plan is to tighten and deepen the relationship of cooperation and friendship between Can Tho City and foreign partners, contributing to bringing the city's external activities into depth and efficiency, promoting investment with foreign partners in the fields of economy, education, culture, agriculture, and enhance the image and position of Can Tho city. Commemorative activities in the city are organized in a form suitable to actual needs and conditions, friendly cooperation relationship with each partner, ensuring both solemnity and efficiency. The city's Department of Foreign Affairs is assigned to act as the focal point, urge and guide other departments and agencies to implement the Plan to ensure strict compliance with regulations, meet requirements and set plans; monitor and summarize the status of the implementation of the Plan.

Recently, the city's Department of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Investment Promotion Agency, the Union of Friendship Organizations have met and worked directly with the consul generals in Ho Chi Minh City to discuss the implementation of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in Can Tho City. The business trip was recognized as a success, and was appreciated by the partners.

Ms. Emily Hamblin, Consul General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ho Chi Minh City, said: "This is the first southern locality to proactively propose external activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the Consulate General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ho Chi Minh City. It shows that Can Tho attaches great importance to its relationship with the UK. 2023 is an important year for the two countries with a series of milestones: 50 years of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the UK, 13 years of strategic partnership, 2 years of implementation of the UK - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. The UK's three main themes for commemoration activities are trade, sustainability, and education. The proposed activities of Can Tho City are completely consistent with these contents. I support the organization of commemorative activities in Can Tho City and the Consulate General will actively coordinate to make the activities to their practical effects. Hopefully, in the coming time, this relationship will be further consolidated and developed well."

During the recent visit and working visit to Can Tho city of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Vietnam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Vietnam Kees van Baar, said that Can Tho City and the Mekong Delta region is one of the priorities of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam. Over the past time, the cooperation of the Netherlands with Can Tho City and the Mekong Delta through seminars, conferences, cooperation and sponsorship programs, has brought about good results, and Vietnam is always a priority choice for Dutch investors. The Ambassador was also very supportive of the organization of activities proposed by the two sides.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Can Tho City, at the working sessions, the consul generals and representatives of the consulate generals of the countries highly appreciated the initiative and positivity of Can Tho city in the planning and preparation of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. At the same time, they believed that the activities were carefully prepared, in line with the priorities and strengths of each country and that this good relationship would be further consolidated and developed. Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep added that during the working sessions, the two sides have basically agreed on activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations proposed by Can Tho City. Commemorative activities focus mainly on the following contents: environmental protection, strengthening cultural exchanges, culinary, education, promoting trade activities between Can Tho city and partner countries. Some of the consulate generals also actively proposed additional activities to make the event more practical and effective. The proposed activities are based on the strengths and priorities of that country for the Mekong Delta region in general and Can Tho city in particular, such as activities on sustainable transport, nature-based solutions, and other activities in trade and education.

These diplomatic events will be an opportunity for Can Tho City to contribute to tightening the friendship between Vietnam and other countries in general, between localities of countries and Can Tho City in particular. The events are also an opportunity for businesses from other countries to exchange and promote quality products, contributing to promoting trade, investment, and tourism,a mong other sectors.


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Thanh Trúc

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