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Can Tho Foreign Affairs News

Can Tho City received medical materials for COVID-19 from international partners

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In the afternoon of 13 September 2021, Can Tho Department of Foreign Affairs handed over 1,000 test kits (valued 6,698.37 Euros, equivalent to approximately 180 million Vietnamese dong) to Can Tho Center of Disease Control. The lot is from Kaposvar City (Hungary) to support Can Tho in coping with COVID-19.

By early September this year, the Department of Foreign Affairs has collaborated with Can Tho City General Hospital to receive medical donation from Riverside (California, USA), including N95 masks, coveralls, face shields, hand sanitizers, and pulse oximeters, etc. with total value of 46,079 USD (more than 1 billion VND).

Can Tho and Riverside signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in 2015. Since then, two localities have organized collaborative activities in different sectors such as visits from high-ranking officials and sharing experience in local gorvernance. Can Tho also held two delegations (with 30 officials) to attend short-term trainings at the University of California, Riverside. In April 2022 during COVID outbreak in the USA, Can Tho sent medical donations to Riverside. Currently, when Can Tho is in hard time coping with the pandemic, some overseas Vietnamese in Riverside have fundraised medical materials and PPE for Can Tho. Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, Director of Can Tho Department of Foreign Affairs, stated that when the pandemic spread in southern provinces, in June and July this year, the Department advised the City People's Committee to send official letters to overseas twin cities for their support in coping with COVID-19. Besides the packages received valued more than 1.2 billion Vietnamese dong, the Department is currently working with relevant agencies to receive packages from Okayama (Japan) and Jeollanamdo (South Korea). "Such support from international partners are meaningful and they not only share the physical hardship with Can Tho, it also shows the international collaboration to cope with the pandemic. With the steering from central government, as well as determination from local government, efforts from citizens, and international support, I strongly believe that COVID-19 in Can Tho will soon be in control. " Ms Ngoc Diep emphasized.

Le Thi Minh Thuy

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