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PM meets with US President

PM Nguyen Tan Dung on Thursday met with US President Barack Obama in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on the sidelines of the 22ASEAN Summit and related meetings.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung and US President Barack Obama, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, November 13, 2014

PM Nguyen Tan Dung and US President Barack Obama, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, November 13, 2014

The two leaders expressed their pleasure at the progress of the relations between Viet Nam and the US, especially after the two sides set up comprehensive partnership in 2013.

PM Dung highly reaffirmed Viet Nam's resolve to work with the US and other relevant members to beef up the process of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement talks and praised President Obama's role in this work.

He asked the US to continue increasing funding for dioxin detoxification activities and assistance for Agent Orange/Dioxin victims in Viet Nam.

The Vietnamese Government chief also asked the US to completely lift the ban on the lethal arms sales to Viet Nam.

President Obama pledged to enhance the bilateral relations with a focus on prioritized fields for mutual benefits.

He applauded the two countries' signing of the agreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy and expressed his belief that the ties in economy, security-defense, education-training, people-to-people exchange, and clean energy will be fostered.

The US will continue supporting Viet Nam in dioxin detoxification and bomb and mine clearance while welcoming the country's accession to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the other Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Regarding TPP talks, the US President said he will consider granting necessary flexibilities for Viet Nam that serve both sides' benefits.

The US attaches importance to its cooperation with the Mekong Sub-region, which includes ensuring the effective and sustainable use of water resources, President Obama said.

The two leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues in order to step up bilateral cooperation within ASEAN forums and actively contribute to maintaining peace, stability, security and cooperation in the region.

PM Dung highly valued the US's clear stance on the need to maintain peace, stability, and security, safety and freedom of navigation, settle disputes through peaceful measures in line with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, exercise self-restraint, and not alter the status quo in the East Sea.

PM Dung said he looked forward to welcome President Obama and his spouse to Viet Nam on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the two countries' ties normalization./.



Nguyen Truong Trung

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